Home > education, financial, money > Economic Update: Fall of Eurozone and its Implication to the US

Economic Update: Fall of Eurozone and its Implication to the US

I have not updated on the current global economy for quite some time.  I am seeing more and more news and information about fall of the West and the rise of the East (Mainly).  Some of the statistics I found are pretty staggering and forces me to convince that domination of the western empire is about to end.   This is the first part of my economic update.  I am going to share about the current movement of the East, also known as BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and very recently South Africa) in the second part of my blog.  In today’s blog, I would like to share about the most recent Eurozone situation and the reason why we need to prepare for the worst possible outcomes. To know more…. click

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  2. June 20, 2012 at 4:14 pm

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